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Scratch Projects​

These are some projects that I have done while using scratch with other people and by my self. Some of these projects is one teaching me how to use scratch and some are to make a little video for other classes.


For this scratch I had to make a bar that when moved the numbers change and the cat tells you what can you do during that age.

Genetic Disorder

For this Scratch I had to get a genetic disorder and show the prevention and symptom of this disorder and other information on it by using scratch. 

Rock Paper Scissors

For this project I was to do a game that you choose a rock, paper or scissors and the game goes random and shows rock paper or scissors and tells you if you won, lost, or tie. 

First Scratch Project

For this project I was given scratch and to try to do anything. By this time I didn't know anything about scratch. 

Monkey Game

For this project I had to make a game that had time and points as the monkey goes for the banana. I also make the game start from zero every time and not from the last score.

Healthy Choices 

For this project I had to make a little game that gives you choices and you have to chose the healthy food to get points.


For this scratch I had to make new cartoons to show and hide. Also to change the background at different times.


For this project I had to try and make every single letter of my name to do something while using scratch .

History Dates

For this scratch I had to get dates in history and write what happen during those dates. also make the dates while clicked show what happened.   


For this scratch I was given a baseball field and had to make the cat go to all the plates an turn to the direction its going.

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